Why can't I find Evaneos on TripAdvisor?

Modified on: 2019-03-28

Confused about why when you type in 'Evaneos TripAdvisor,' we don't appear as a listed holiday provider? We'd prefer to be honest with you and say that this is simply because of the rules of listing your business on TripAdvisor. The local travel agencies that Evaneos partners with are typically the service providers behind traditional tour operators.

Evaneos connects you directly with these local travel agencies so you can create tailor-made tours without the middleman fee, then we provide guarantees to make sure that your planning, booking, and holiday experience runs smoothly and securely. 

While as a platform we would be considered a 'peer-to-peer' company to TripAdvisor, we do not sell tours on behalf of others, and therefore we are not allowed to set up an account on TripAdvisor.

We understand that reading reviews about holiday providers is essential when beginning your trip-planning process, which is why we upload all post-trip feedback left by our travellers where they have selected to publish their review, unedited, onto the Evaneos website. We ask our travellers to leave feedback about their trip, the destination, their experience with Evaneos, and their local agent, to assist others in making informed decisions when browsing our website. 

To read up on reviews from previous Evaneos travellers and find out why we have a 96% traveller satisfaction rate, please click here, or read what our travellers say about us on Trusted Shops

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